The Master Chief No Connection


It couldn’t have been said any better, when gamer Daniel Ruiz aka TOXICxFLASH said, “Everyone is just trying to re-live in the HALO 2 glory days, but they’re not letting us!” -a message directed towards 343 industries

HALO 2 is a first person shooter game developed by Bungie Studios in 2004. Some may say the game is what sparked the popularity of Xbox Live. Halo 2 was the most popular game on Xbox Live from 2004-2006 with over 710 million hours played in the United States alone. It was the best selling first-generation Xbox game, selling over 6.3 million copies in U.S. stores.

On November 11, 2014 Halo 2 tried making a comeback when 343 industries released HALO: The Master Chief Collection, which is a game comprised of Halo 1, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 4, and Halo 5 Beta. The game managed to sell 1.01 million copies worldwide in the first week, and gamers were eager get back on Xbox Live and play the legendary Halo 2. That dream was crushed for the next three weeks when Xbox live was down and no one could find a match. This started the beginning of what now is chaos in the Halo community.


Over the last couple of days ranks have been reset and months of playing Halo 2 Anniversary (the only ranked playlist) just went down the drain. This was due to the new playlist being added on 1/14/15 which were hardcore and Halo 4. Gamers are furious because every time 343 industries comes out with a new update, something else stops working. Halo gamers are wondering why they are adding new playlists when matchmaking still has numerous problems and bugs to be fixed.

When you go into matchmaking you may notice that it takes 3-10 minutes to find a game and this is ridiculous compared to Halo’s biggest competitor Call of Duty, which takes about 15 seconds to find a match. Gamers in the Halo community are talking about protesting 343 industries by not purchasing Halo 5 when it’s released. I wouldn’t be surprised if Halo 5 had just as many bugs as Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Still 343 industries keep posting notifications to the public saying they are working on updates to fix the bugs, but it’s been two months since the game has been released, so how hard are you really working?

This raises a few questions and feel free to comment below to address these questions.
1. How long do you think it will take 343 industries to fix the bugs?
2. Do you play Halo: The Master Chief Collection less now because of the bugs?
3. What are some major problems you see with matchmaking?
4. When 343 industries states ranking coming soon in all of the playlists, how long do you think they mean?
5. Do you think 343 industries are way in over their head by having 5 games on one disk?

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