Alleged Killer of Chris Kyle (American Sniper) Faces Trial


After the ending of Clint Eastwood’s, American Sniper, many questions were raised. “It feels like I just left a funeral” a viewer whispered while he was leaving the Movie Palace (Elizabethtown, KY), Monday 1/19/2015. The theater was silent after the emotional ending of the Oscar nominated movie, American Sniper. In the movie it doesn’t tell you who killed Chris Kyle or about the upcoming trial, but I bet the question is lingering in your head after watching this amazing movie.

On February 2, 2013, Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield, were allegedly shot by Eddie Ray Routh, a former marine who suffers from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Kyle and Littlefield took Routh to a gun range in Texas, to help him cope with his PTSD. It was claimed that Routh told his sister, ‘I traded my soul for a new truck,’ after fleeing the crime scene that day, stealing Kyle’s truck after the murder.
Eddie-Ray-RouthThe trial is set for February 11, 2015 and people are hoping Eddie Ray Routh will find himself facing the death penalty, but it is not likely. Eddie Ray Routh has been in jail since the murder of Kyle and Littlefield and he will not see the public until trial. J. Warren St. John (Routh’s attorney), has spoken out to People that Mr. Routh will be pleading not guilty by reason of insanity. Also St. John has said that the popularity of the movie will greatly effect the trial.

Since Chris Kyle is a Hero to all of America, with the exception of Micheal Moore, it’s going to be hard to find members of the Jury that are not biased. Even though Routh allegedly took away one of America’s greatest heroes, he still has the right to a fair trial. In my opinion, this is still possible since there are people that have not seen the movie or know nothing about Chris Kyle. Many questions are still raised, but no answers because everyone that is connected to the trial are ordered not to speak about specific details to the media.

If you want to know more about the trial when it starts, please feel free to subscribe/follow my blog and I will have detailed posts following this blog.

Kevin Stafford